Sunday, September 30, 2007

Whitechapel - The Somatic Defilement

Band: Whitechapel
Origin: USA
Genre: death/ deathcore elements
Album release date: 2007
Status: active
Band official site:

average bit rate: 160kbps/44khz

DOWNLOAD: Whitechapel - The Somatic Defilement(2007)

...From beginning to end things are back-breaking heavy. The screams, the technical drumming, the pinch harmonics, all of it just make an entire album of extreme crushing weight. The entire album is good and heavy...

...The screams are the most impresive part in the album. The high and the low screams fused together perfectly in each song. There was never too much low or too much high...

DOWNLOAD: Whitechapel - The Somatic Defilement(2007)

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